What Can I Do To Oppose The Range Of Light National Monument Courtesy Cal4Wheel
Thank you for joining in the Range of Light Town Hall on Monday, December 9th. On behalf of all the organizations and individuals who are working together to stop this proposed national monument from being designated, we greatly appreciate your investment of your time and concern! The action items noted below are designed to streamline your time and amplify your voice as you join in the movement to stop the Range of Light. Many thanks in advance for taking the initiative to make phone calls, sign petitions, and submit letters to urge politicians to oppose the Range of Light and other proposed national monument designations. Please share this with your family, friends, and network to encourage others to join in and take action as well!
1. Join our call campaign!
o This tipsheet provides talking points to help you quickly and easily reach out to local, state, and national politicians who currently support the Range of Light. Speak with each representative’s staff, or leave a voice message, explaining how a national monument designation will negatively impact you, your community, and all public access to this beautiful and beloved region of the Sierra Nevada mountains and foothills.
o Use the attached tipsheet and start making calls!
2. Submit letters to Congress through BlueRibbon Coalition’s action alert!
o Use this tool to quickly send a letter to Congressional representatives to ensure that they will strongly oppose any last minute monument designations by the current administration, commit to defund all new monuments through the budget reconciliation process in order to reduce federal spending, and commit to permanently reform the Antiquities Act to prevent future abuses. BlueRibbon Coalition’s Action Alert make it easy for you to share your opposition to the Range of Light, as well as other proposed monuments across California and other western states. It is crucial that they hear from you to ensure that reversing lame duck land grabs becomes a top priority of the next Administration.
o Click here to quickly submit letters to oppose all 9 proposed monuments!
3. Sign the petition to oppose the Range of Light!
o This petition will be circulated to the Board of Supervisors for each county that will be directly impacted by the Range of Light: Mariposa, Madera, Fresno, and Tulare.
o Click here to sign the petition!
Recap & Resources from the Town Hall
Multiple national monuments in California are now being proposed by environmental groups, including: the Range of Light (1.4 million acres), Chuckwalla (660,000 acres), Kw’tsan (390,000 acres), Sattitla (200,000 acres), and Feather River Canyons (acreage unknown, estimated 400,000+). All five monuments would total over 3 million acres of locked up public land. Attempts have been made to designate these monuments through Congress, but it is highly unlikely they will be passed by Congress in the current political environment. It is most likely these monuments will be designated through the abuse of the Antiquities Act of 1906. This would be yet another massive land grab from the current administration – which has already designated or expanded 9 monuments thereby locking up over 4 million acres of public land into monument designations. It is now more important than ever to let our local, state, and national representatives know that we don't support the Range of Light monument or any new monument in California.
Watch a recording of the Town Hall
Watch this webinar to learn more about the proposed Range of Light national monument
As always, if you have questions or would like to discuss any aspect of your concerns regarding the Range of Light or other proposed national monuments, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Rose Winn | Natural Resources Consultant
California Four Wheel Drive Association
559.862.6382 | rwinn@cal4nrc.com
Contact Sierra National Forest Clean Up to get an emailed copy of a who to call and wright list courtesy of Cal4Wheel